Tan Chay Hoon

 Dr Tan was conferred the University Annual Teaching Excellence Awards in 2002, 2005 and 2014. She was thereafter named NUS Faculty Outstanding Educator in 2016 and bestowed the Mentoring Innovation and Leadership in Educational Scholarship (MILES) Award in 2020. https://twitter.com/NUSMedCenMED/status/1217017724146089984

Her more recent role as Wellbeing Counsellor and Coach at the NUS Healthcare Centre for students now extends beyond students to include a much wider scope of promoting staff wellbeing within the NUHS Cluster of hospitals. She continues to be senior visiting consultant psychiatrist at National University Hospital and teaching faculty at the Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, and National University of Singapore. 

Neuro-psycho-pharmacologist with an ardent interest in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Dr Tan’s profile is unique and highly specialised, as she is the one and only Neuro-psycho-pharmacologist in Singapore, and she embraces both Western and Eastern Medicine. 

Before she graduated from Singapore University Medical School in 1980, she obtained her diploma in Acupuncture in 1977. She has visited universities in China and received clinical training in TCM. She served as a member of the Health Science Authority Proprietary Medicine Committee, supervised postgraduate students and published articles in TCM. She is co-author of two books – a best seller entitled “GUIDE TO MEDICINAL PLANTS, A: AN ILLUSTRATED SCIENTIFIC AND MEDICINAL APPROACH.” and “Ginseng Products 101: What Are You Buying?” She teaches TCM to medical students and both the public and allied health professionals. 

 She has published more than 300 papers, chapters, abstracts, and edited 4 books in addition to having delivered and conducted over 100 refereed presentations, invited lectures, seminars and workshops.

Qualifications & Appointments

MBBS (Singapore), MMed (Psych) (Singapore), PhD (Pharmacology), MMEd (Education) (Dundee), GDip in Acupuncture (Singapore)

Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore

Visiting senior Consultant psychiatrist, with sub-specialties in Psychopharmacology, Elderly, and Positive Ageing, Department of Psychological Medicine, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore



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