Chee Yeng

Chee Yeng is currently the CEO/Co-founder of a Singaporean tech startup, Clicks® – a platform which established itself as the LinkedIn for real estate. Prior to starting his own venture, he was heading the digital banking of the offshore arm of a global bank in Singapore.

He is a member of MENSA, the world’s oldest and largest high-IQ society, and believes strongly in lifelong learning. As such, he did his MBA with University of Manchester in his thirties while juggling his career and family. He also has a Postgraduate Diploma with Nanyang Technological University and a Bachelor’s Degree with National University of Singapore. As a father of 5, Chee Yeng strongly believes in active parenting and always strive to create a conducive environment for forging strong family bonds for his family of 7.

Chee Yeng is an accomplished speaker known for his dynamic and engaging speaking style that connects with audiences from various backgrounds and industries. Being effectively bilingual in English and Mandarin, Chee Yeng had been invited to deliver trainings/talks in major Mandarin-speaking cities such as Shanghai, Tianjin and Taipei.

With close to 2 decades of work experience across multiple industries and countries, Chee Yeng has a wealth of knowledge on innovation, digital transformation, entrepreneurship and active parenting.


个人简介 (简体)


志荣目前是一间位于新加坡的科技创业公司, Clicks® ,的首席执行官兼联合创始人。Clicks®励志成为房产界中的“领英”。在自己出来创业前,志荣负责管理一家位于新加坡跨国际银行离岸部门里的数码银行业务。

他现今是世界上历史最悠久、规模最大的高智商协会,门萨,的成员并且坚信终身学习的重要性。所以在他年过三十的时候,在同时得兼顾事业与家庭的情况下,他选择攻读并顺利完成曼彻斯特大学的 MBA。他也拥有新加坡南洋理工大学研究生文凭及新加坡国立大学学士学位。 身为为 5 个孩子的父亲,他坚信采用“积极养育方式”对家庭颇有益处,所以一直努力地促进他一家七口的家庭凝聚力。

志荣是一位出色的演讲者。他充满活力、引人入胜以及平易近人的演讲风格促使他能够与来自不同背景及行业的听众有效地交流。 由于他精通双语(英语和普通话),所以曾受邀到上海、天津和台北等城市进行培训/讲座。

由于在多个行业及国家累积了近 二十年的工作经验,志荣在创新、数字化转型、创业和积极养育方式方面拥有极其丰富的知识和见解。



志榮目前是一間位於新加坡的科技創業公司, Clicks® ,的首席執行官兼聯合創始人。 Clicks®勵志成為房產界中的“領英”。在自己出來創業前,志榮負責管理一家位於新加坡跨國際銀行離岸部門裡的數碼銀行業務。

他現今是世界上歷史最悠久、規模最大的高智商協會,門薩,的成員並且堅信終身學習重要性。所以在他年過三十的時候,在同時得兼顧事業與家庭的情況下,他選擇攻讀並順利完成曼徹斯特大學的 MBA。他也擁有新加坡南洋理工大學研究生文憑及新加坡國立大學學士學位。身為為 5 個孩子的父親,他堅信採用“積極養育方式”對家庭頗有益處,所以一直努力地促進他一家七口的家庭凝聚力。


由於在多個行業及國家累積了近 二十年的工作經驗,志榮在創新、數字化轉型、創業和積極養育方式方面擁有極其豐富的知識和見解。



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